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Getting to the Why: Using Root Cause Analysis to Move Towards Equitable Healing, Growth, and Rebirth
The MCH Evidence Center, MCH Navigator, and MCH Workforce Development Center presents a workshop at the 2023 CityMatCH Annual Conference on Wednesday, September 19, 2023 1:30 - 3:00 CT.
This session aligns Root Cause Analysis (RCA) with Results Based Accountability (RBA) to help understand the issues behind the data as the first step in creating equitable solutions to address MCH needs.
Conference materials are available below:
- Presentation Slides
- RCA Workbook
- RCA Summary
- Learn More with the MCH Navigator: Using Quality Improvement Tools to Uncover the Root Causes of Health System Issues
- NEW: Access an Interactive Fishbone Diagram (PPT format) to fill out as a group
- Learn More about the Fishbone Diagram with: MCH QI Tools: Root Cause Analysis - Fishbone Diagram
- Session Evaluation Form
MCH Evidence Center wins 2022 APEX Award of Excellence in the Website category. APEX is the Annual Awards for Publication Excellence Competition sponsored by Communications Concepts, Inc.
NCEMCH has been honored with several APEX awards during its 40-year history, including several for the MCH Digital Library. However, this is the first for the Strengthen the Evidence for MCH Programs initiative. We are especially honored to receive this award for the Evidence site due to the high level of content that it houses. Special thanks to the National MCH Workforce Development Center for nominating us!
- NPM Webinar Series
- MCH BEST Strategy Database
- NPM 14: Smoking Reports and Briefs
- 14.1 Evidence Report and Evidence Brief: Smoking During Pregnancy
- 14.2 Evidence Report and Evidence Brief: Smoking in the Household
- Also see our Smoking Timeline
- Results-Based Accountability Tips
- TA Factsheet
- The Role of Title V in Adapting Strategies
- Developing Stronger ESMs: Summary Page
- Stronger Measurement for ESMs: Summary Page
- Population and Performance Tools:
- Federal/State Partnership Presentation
- Check out our Evidence Report and Evidence Brief for NPM 11: Medical Home. And take a look at our corresponding implementation resources in our Medical Home Evidence Toolkit.
- Access our report: ESM Review & Resources: National Summary. This report serves as a conversation starter as we learn how to strengthen our strategies, work with the Evidence Center, and look toward the next iteration of block grant applications and work. This review provides ideas on how to develop ESMs that are achievable and measurable; it is not meant to be prescriptive. We hope that you familiarize yourself with the frameworks presented in this document, think of how you might incorporate its findings and resources into your work, and formulate questions to ask us and the Evidence Center team.
- Are Your ESMs Strong?This factsheet presents 3 resources: - the SiLVeR test, the Public Square Test, and ESM-writing tips.
- Evidence Resources for Each NPM Topic Area. This factsheet provides information on the NPM Toolkits that include background information, reports, transformation resources, and sample strategies as well as information on the MCH Digital Library.
- Results Based Accountability (RBA) Tip Sheet. Check out this quick "cheat sheet" to learn about how RBA relates to ESMs and for tips on writing effective measures.
- New Evidence Analysis Briefs and Reports. Check out the latest reports developed by the Women's and Children's Health Policy Center at Johns Hopkins University:
- Wondering about our logo? Read here about what it means.
- Read NCEMCH's announcement about the next evolution of Strengthen the Evidence for MCH Programs at Georgetown University.