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Stronger Measurement for ESMs

multicolored speech bubblesHow To Measure ESM Impact

Results-Based Accountability (RBA) provides an intuitive framework to help you move from reporting “what did we do?” (simplest form of measurement) to “how well did we do it?” and eventually to “is anyone better off from our efforts?” and “how are they better off?” (reporting impact). RBA provides four quadrants of measurement when you look at effort and effect across quantity and quality.1

4 quadrants of RBA

Once you have identified strategies to use as your ESMs and SPMs, map them across these four quadrants. Think of how you might strengthen your strategies by moving from quadrant 1 to 2 and from 3 to 4, knowing that it’s not always feasible to move up based on data and resources available. However, measurement is important! Spend some time strategizing how to report stronger measures in your MCH Block Grant report and application. Tell the Title V story as having a quantifiable and qualifiable effect on your MCH populations.


Goals in Strengthening Your Measures: Four Tips

When looking at your ESMs, SPMs, or other strategies:
  • Move from measuring quantity to quality.
  • Eventually move from measuring effort to effect.
  • Quadrant 1 strategies should be used sparingly, when no other data exists. Challenge yourself to find ways to report more meaningful accomplishments.
  • The most effective measurement combines strategies in all levels, with most in quadrants 2 and 4.

See This Process In Action: Three Examples

Use these examples to see different ways you can measure the same strategy using RBA

NPM 4: Breastfeeding -- Strategy: Lactation Consultant

Quadrant 1:
Measuring Quantity of Effort
("What/how much did we do?")

  • Number of calls annually to state-run hotline.

Quadrant 2:
Measuring Quality of Effort
("How well did we do it?")

  • Percent of pregnant and postpartum women who received telephone lactation support from the hotline.

Quadrant 3:
Measuring Quantity of Effect
("Is anyone better off?")

  • Number of hotline participants who, upon completion of call, indicate that they received appropriate advice from the hotline.

Quadrant 4:
Measuring Quality of Effect
("How are they better off?")

  • Percent of pregnant and postpartum women who indicated in a follow-up survey that they implemented advice gained from the hotline.

NPM 6: Developmental Screening -- Strategy: Provider Training

Quadrant 1:
Measuring Quantity of Effort
("What/how much did we do?")

  • Number of medical and childcare providers that receive developmental screening training.

Quadrant 2:
Measuring Quality of Effort
("How well did we do it?")

  • Percent of medical and childcare providers that receive developmental screening training.

Quadrant 3:
Measuring Quantity of Effect
("Is anyone better off?")

  • Number of medical and childcare providers that receive developmental screening training who reported initiating developmental screens with parents in practice.

Quadrant 4:
Measuring Quality of Effect
("How are they better off?")

  • Percent of medical and childcare providers that receive developmental screening training who reported initiating developmental screens with parents in practice.

NPM 10: Adolescent Well-Visit -- Strategy: Patient Reminders/Navigator Program

Quadrant 1:
Measuring Quantity of Effort
("What/how much did we do?")

  • Number of adolescents that received mail or telephone reminders about yearly well-visits.

Quadrant 2:
Measuring Quality of Effort
("How well did we do it?")

  • Percent of adolescents that received mail or telephone reminders about yearly well-visits.

Quadrant 3:
Measuring Quantity of Effect
("Is anyone better off?")

  • Number of adolescents that attended an immunization or prevention visit and attribute remembering the visit to a patient reminder.

Quadrant 4:
Measuring Quality of Effect
("How are they better off?")

  • Percent of adolescents that attended an immunization or prevention visit and attribute remembering the visit to a patient reminder.




1 Friedman M. Trying Hard Is Not Good Enough: How to Produce Measurable Improvements for Customers and Consumers. FPSI Publishing, 2005, 2009, 2015 and Implementation Guide: Results-Based Accountability. Clear Impact. All use of Results-Based Accountability™ materials comply with usage guidance.

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.