Evidence Tools
Technical Assistance Briefs
The MCH Evidence Center provides ongoing technical assistance (TA) to Title V agencies related to the emerging evidence base, strategies, and measures related to many topics interconnected to the 15 National Performance Measures and other critical topics in MCH. One outcome of these TA sessions are Technical Assistance Briefs that are designed to act as a conversation starter in thinking about programs that can be developed to address issues that affect women, infants, children, adolescents, youth, families, and communities. These briefs are not meant to be comprehensive; full analysis of the NPM topic areas are provided in the Evidence Analysis Reports.
The Center makes these customized reports available during TA and on this website to identify evidence-based/informed strategies, promising practices, examples of ESMs from the field and peer-reviewed resources. Please contact us if you would like us to develop a similar report for topics that you are working on.
In addition, please see the full collection of Resource Guides on over 100 MCH-related topics from the MCH Digital Library.
- Access to Care
- ACEs. Also see CDC's Prevention Resources for Action
- Active Living/Physical Activity
- Adolescent Well Visit
- Asthma
- Behavioral Health
- Breastfeeding and Doula Support
- Bullying and Suicide Prevention
- Care Coordination
- Case Management Related to Developmental Screening
- Childcare Services for Military/Veteran Families
- Childhood Injury
- Child Obesity
- Collaboration. Promoting and monitoring collaboration is a more effective way to show impact than counting the number of meetings or participants. Read about ways to to maintain collaboration and use these collaboration measurement tools developed by AMCHP.
- Community Engagement
- Developmental Screening
- Distance Learning Platforms
- Economic Mobility
- Evaluation Tools and Resources for CYSHCN Programs
- Family/Community Compensation
- Father Engagement | Also see AMCHP's Family Engagement resources
- Food Security
- Gestational Diabetes Management
- Health Care Transition
- Health Promotion Materials for Vulnerable Populations
- Healthy Eating
- Infant Mortality (includes NICHQ's Infant Mortality Toolkit)
- Medical Home
- Men's Health
- Merged Fatality Programs
- Motor Vehicle Injuries
- Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
- Nutrition
- Postpartum Depression and Anxiety
- Pregnancy Loss
- Recruitment and Retention Strategies to Build and Support the Workforce
- Respite Care
- Safe Sleep
- School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs)
- Social Connectedness
- Social Media and Adolescent Mental Health
- Social Media and Communication
- Systems of Care for Children with Special Health Care Needs
- Teledentistry
- Telehealth/Telemedicine and Social Media
- Trauma Informed Practice
- Virtual Learning Tools (transforming in-person activities to virtual settings)
- Work from Home and Alternate Work Schedules
- Youth Engagement