Evidence Tools
MCHbest: Bank of Evidence-linked Strategies and Tools

We are thankful for the partnerships and collaborations that enabled us to complete phase 1 of the MCHbest database. In particular, we would like to thank:
Our team who led the initial development:
- Alexsandra Monge, MPH, Senior Technical Assistance Coordinator, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Caroline Nyheim, MPH Candidate 2021, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Emma Hurler, Research Assistant, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University
- Joy Jones, Graduate Assistant, CityMatCH
- Bibhusha Karki, MDP, Public Health Project Coordinator, CityMatCH
- Carol Gilbert, MS, ABD, Senior Health Analyst, CityMatCH
- Veni Kandasamy, MSPH, PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- John Richards, MA, Research Professor and Principal Investigator, National Center for Education in MCH, Georgetown University
Our colleagues at HRSA's Maternal and Child Health Bureau (HRSA MCHB) for their support and guidance through the process.
Our reviewers for their detailed comments and suggestions to ensure that strategies align with the evidence and have utility for Title V programs:
- HRSA MCHB: Numerous colleagues reviewed these materials as part of the cooperative agreement with HRSA MCHB.
- National Resource Center for Patient/Family Centered Medical Home: Christina Boothby, MPA, Jamie Jones, MPH
- National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center: Katrina Holt, MPH, MS, RD, FAND, Sarah Kolo, BM
- Children's Safety Network: Jennifer Leonardo
- Got Transition: Margaret McManus, MHS, Patience White, MD, MA
- Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development: Deborah F. Perry, PhD